Friends of Aware®
Most breast cancer occurs by chance, however in some families an alteration in a gene can give rise to a hugely increased risk.
It is important to realise that everyone is an individual with different needs. We hope to promote a range of options for everyone; our mantra is that everyone should have access to all the relevant options open to them, then full support no matter what the choice.
The National Hereditary Breast Cancer Helpline was founded in 1996 by Wendy Watson, at a time when little or nothing was generally known about Hereditary Breast Cancer. The main aim of the helpline was to ensure that those worried about their family history had access to full information on all the options currently available, referrals where appropriate, and full peer support for whatever option was chosen. Most importantly that those affected had the opportunity to make informed choices. It is also an important role of the helpline to reassure those worrying unnecessarily. To that end the Helpline has been enormously successful, given the feedback over this past 19 years.
Aware ®
The Aware® Pad is an innovative, CE-marked medical device designed specifically to help you detect the subtlest changes in your breast tissue, enhancing the effectiveness of breast self-examination.